Wednesday 13 November 2013

Movember with Cisk Malta | Be Aware and Grow your Fashion Moustache

MOVEMBER in MALTA with my Fake Moustache | Let's Raise Awareness
 Movember | Cisk Malta and La Maison Sartorie D'Amber
Cisk Malta and Farsons are spreading the Movember bug all over my beautiful island of Malta. Cisk is trying to raise awareness through this campaign about men's health - Testicular cancer, prostate cancer and mental illness. 

My good friend Marco Debono, the brand manager of Cisk, sent me some moustaches to promote this very important campaign with a bit of fun here in London. 

Movember started in Australia, and I remember my Australian friend Geoff Quattromani, growing his moustache every November just for this purpose, intended to spread the word, and make men more conscious about these diseases. Funds are raised [N] MOVEMBER just by growing the stache and becoming a Mo Bro.

“This is all about raising awareness and breaking the taboo still associated with men getting cancer,” said Marco Debono, Brand Executive for Cisk.

“October is dedicated to breast cancer which has helped raise awareness among women to get checked and spot cancer in its earliest stages when the survival rates are much higher. Movember aims to do the same thing with men, turning ordinary men into walking billboards to raise awareness about men’s health.”

I put on the moustache sticker sent by Marco and Cisk with my vintage white fur coat and played around with funny looks, pouts and selfies. 
 Movember | Cisk Malta and La Maison Sartorie D'Amber
 Movember |  Cisk Malta and La Maison Sartorie D'Amber
Movember |  Cisk Malta and La Maison Sartorie D'Amber
People are instructed to maximise the exposure of their moustaches by posting a photo to Facebook and tagging #ciskmovember enabling a public photo stream that will surely reach all the corners of the island.

If you are interested in getting your own Movember moustache sticker for yourself, your workplace or your
organisation, write to Cisk on its Facebook page

For more information about Movember, please visit
 Cisk Malta Movember
Everyone can be part of this campaign, RAISE AWARENESS and HAVE FUN, be part of something important. 

1 comment:

  1. Great post Laura. Excellent to see the blog and even Cisk getting behind this great cause. Support the Mo Bro's!
