Pitti Uomo 84 ... the heat was on
but the men still braved the heat and the sun of Florence for some serious style

Pitti Uomo is an occasion where you can feast your eyes looking at all the latest menswear fashion, from the classic, the newbie, the fashion bloggers, the oldies and the wannabes ... you see everything!
But some know what they are doing from the epitome of menswear style Nick Wooster, to fashion bloggers like Joshua Washington, Mariano Di Vaio, and Funfere Keroye, to the oldie who knows it all like Kino Ieluzzi and the designers Michael T Bergen, Aki Choklat and Francesco Avino.
T.Michael Bergen from Norwegian Rain |
Aki Choklat - shoe designer, trend forecaster and Polimoda professor

Fashion blogger and model Mariano Di Vaio

Fashion Blogger and shoe designer Funfere Koroye

Menswear designer and fashion blogger Joshua Washington a.k.a Edwige Pierre

Fashion Blogger and shoe designer Funfere Koroye

The most stylish gentleman Lino Ieluzzi

Davide Baronicini from Mr Suit Supply with Lino Ieluzzi and some very stylish friends |

One of the most influencial men in fashion Nick Wooster
Francesco Avino from Avino Laboratorio Napoletano - tailored menswear shirts
For the trends of Pitti Uomo click on the link below
All photos by Laura Muscat from La Maison Sartorie D'Amber - kindly ask permission to use them